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24 Apr 2015

Difference between get() and load() methods of Session in Hibernate

Both session.get() and session.load() methods are used to fetch data from database, but there are some differences in their mechanism. s...

22 Dec 2014

Many-To-Many Mapping in Hibernate Using Annotation

Many-To-Many: When one or more entities are associated with a Collection of other entities, and the entities have overlapping associati...
Many-To-One Mapping in Hibernate Using Annotation

Many-To-One Mapping: It is the most common mapping that is used normally when creating an association to an entity. In our discussion we...
One-To-Many Mapping in Hibernate Using Annotation

One-To-Many Mapping: When an entity is associated with a collection of other entities then it is most often in the form of a One-To-Many...
One-To-One Mapping in Hibernate Using Annotation

One-To-One Mapping: One-To-One mapping is almost same as Many-To-One mapping except that only one instance of source entity can refer to...
Interacting With Multiple Databases in Hibernate

In hibernate we can interact with multiple databases within the same application. All we need is to create two different session factories...
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